- Studying Master Digital Design at Fachhochschule Dortmund
- Looking for a part-time job
- Still playing Ring Fit Adventure everyday
- Revisiting my graduation project as material for one of this semester projects.
- Practicing and trying to learn new tricks on the guitar
- Reading the book Im Park der prächtigen Schwestern by Camila Sosa Villada
- Looking for a new job as UX/UI Designer.
- Watching PICO-8 tutorials on the Lazy Devs YouTube channel.
- Playing Zelda: Breath of the Wild on the Switch.
- Sweating and doings lots of squats on Ring Fit, also on the Switch.
- Learning how to play some crunchy 90s riffs on the guitar.
- Learning German with Duolingo and Deutsch Perfekt magazine.
- Attending German classes at the local Volkshochschule.
- Going to the sauna few times a week.
- Doing a 16:8 intermittent fasting program.
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